
类别:文学名著 作者:李敖 本章:他们六个






    柏拉图 亚里士多德 亚历山大

    Socrates Plato Aristotle  Alexander

    Socrates greatest pupil Platos greatest pupil Aristotles greatest pupil

    Aristotle的学问很大,是哲学家,也是教育家(educator),也是科学家(scientist),他在科学方面的著作有logic、pural ory、psycotle的牙掉了的缘故!

    Aristotle的真正贡献,cribution是他把学问造成一个“继往开来”(to carry on tage so as to pave ture generations)的局面,使人类爱真理(truth)。

    Aristotle在他的Eto,但是更爱真理。在中国也有这种看法,叫“当仁不让于师”。(to yield to nobody o accept a reion  mankind.)Aristotle differed from Plato botigation. In ates t, ruto o prefer truth.

    otle  of note, even if ronomy raditions, er ic scientists like Aristarcostotles most famous contribution to systematic t is probably his work in logic.

    对Aristotle在science方面的conclusion是——300s B.C. Aristotles studies in logic and classification contributed to tions of science.

    第二个科学家——伽利略(Galileo),活了七十八岁。Galileo  great experimenter and tronomy. standing matician. Galileo说


    Galileo又印了一本书,说太阳不动,动的是地球,于是,惹起公愤,虽然他对了。——但别人都错的时候,他一个人对没有用,他被抓到“宗教裁判所”,宗教法庭(Inquisition)。Inquisition动不动就把人烧死,因为Galileo是大学者,又太老了(七十岁),又有点后台(有贵人保护),又“认错”,于是“优待”,改判为“终身软禁”(permanent )。, a form of arrest in ed no one  said some strikers uscaloosa News)

    他“认错”以后,偷偷在一个朋友耳边说:“但它(地球)还在动啊!”Yet it does move!(Epur si muove!)


    Joon, an Englis and political er, e one of test epics, Paradise Lost.(一六六七)es(一六七一), ally blind. Milton

    Galileo的头脑比时代新,所以老是倒霉。这叫“生不逢辰”(born at a ime;luckless;unlucky)。

    对Galileo在science方面的conclusion是——c. 1600 Galileo empical interpretation of experiments in science. ant physical laws.

    第三个科学家——哈维(illiam harvey),活了七十九岁。

    中文有句成语叫“周而复始”(to repeat the cycle all over again)血在人身体里就是周而复始的。发现这一现象很不容易。

    但是哈维发现了。哈维也指出过Aristotle的错误,但对Aristotle的敬爱并不因而减少。哈维有一个大阔佬病人,也是他的好朋友,就是当时英国的皇帝King Croyed了,t sorrow.

    对illiam ion of the blood.

    第四个科学家——波义尔(Robert Boyle),活了六十四岁。

    波义尔是哲学家、物理学家、化学家(Boyel ry”。

    英国最有名,也是世界最有名的学术团体——皇家学会(ty)创办的时候,本来要请Boyel做会长,但因为他在religion方面的原因不愿宣誓,所以没做。( Oxford ists knoed as ty of London. Alted to be president of tion in 1680,  taking an oat Geneva rong Calvinist influence wer.)

    ROYAL SOCIEtY is t scientific society in t famous. title of tion is ty of London for Improving Natural Kno gre of ings s y he approval of King Charles II.(就是Charles I的儿子。)

    In 1662, ty ed by cer of Cy of London for Promoting Natural Kno is popularly knoy. From its earliest years, ty maintained correspondence inental pions from transactions. Sir Isaac Neys president from 1703 until ely 300 years of its existence, ty ific expeditions and extensive researc years, a notable series of investigations of tropical diseases.

    对Boyle在science方面的conclusion是——1660s Robert Boyle applied tific meto cry.

    第五个科学家——牛顿(Isaac Newton),活了八十五岁。

    Galileo死的那年(Jan.8, 1642),就是Newton生的那年(Dec.25, 1642)。

    Galileo死在年头,Neon出来,才完成了这一解释。牛顿是个“遗腹子”(an infant born after ts fatp://www?99lib?net</kbd>

    ①Ne sunligure of lig tudied t were produced.(By passing a beam of sunligon s we lighe rainbows colors.)

    ② discoveries in tics. ed ing integral and differential calculus.(微积分)

    ③ to state tation.

    Newton的成绩,英国诗人Alexander Pope有两句诗描写得最好:

    Nature and Natures laws lay :

    God said, Let Ne.

    (Alexander Pope:Epigram on Sir Isaac Newton)

    In 1705 Need by Queen Anne. 所以他名字前面有Sir.就是爵士。热门音乐中文也翻成爵士,但那是jazz的译音,并不真的是爵士,并且乱扭乱唱,一点也不爵士。


    to myself seem to ing myself in notier s t ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

    对Neon publison formulated tation and motion and contributed greatly to t and optical science.

    第六个科学家——爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),活了七十六岁。



    Albert Einstein, t, rejected Neion of universal gravitation but not t of its operation.   Nes Neoday still guiding our thinking in physics”.

    人类能够利用原子能(atomic poein来的,没有Einstein,就没有原子弹(atomic bomb)用来war,也没有原子能用来peaceful uses。

    对Einstein在science方面的conclusion是——1905 Albert Einstein presented ivity. Einstein developed tivity o tomic power.

    爸 爸


