Chapter IV.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter IV.


    AFtER A FE o be roug t ten stumbled over times, indeed, toget toto jumped across and Dorotraigepped into t full lengt never

    again, w his own mishap.

    t nearly so rees, and t try became.

    At noon t dotle brook, and Dorot and got out some bread. So t he refused.

    quot;I am never ; ;and it is a lucky t, for my mouted, and if I s a  so I could eat, trauffed , and t he shape of my head.”

    Dorot once t true, so s on eating her bread.

    quot;tell me somet yourself and try you came from,quot; said told  Kansas, and o this queer Land of Oz.

    tened carefully, and said, quot;I cannot un- derstand iful country and go back to the dry, gray place you call Kansas.”

    quot;t is because you ; anshe girl.

    quot;No matter ry, be it ever so beautiful. there is no place like home.”

    the Scarecrow sighed.

    quot;Of course I cannot understand it,quot; ;If your uffed raiful places, and t all. It is fortunate for Kansas t you have brains.”

    quot;ont you tell me a story, ; asked the child.

    t her reproachfully, and answered:

    quot;My life  t I really kno- ever. I erday.   time is all unknoo me. Luckily, o paint my ears, so t I  was going on.

    t t;`t straig; ansher.

    quot;`Never mind,quot; said t;`t t; wrue enough.

    quot;`No; said ted my rig  deal of curiosity, for t glimpse of the world.

    quot;`ts a ratty eye,quot; remarked tc;`Blue paint is just t;`I ttle bigger,quot; said the farmer.

    And  I did not speak, because at t time I didnt knocened on my  last, I felt very proud, for I t I  as good a man as anyone.

    quot;`t enoug like a man. quot;`e agreed o t me up on a tall stick,  me alone.

    quot;I did not like to be deserted tried to er t my feet  touco stay on t pole. It o lead, for I o ttle  as soon as t I e an important person. By and by an old croer looking at me carefully he perched upon my shoulder and said:

    quot;`I  farmer t to fool me in t you are only stuffed ra my feet and ate all ted. t o eat too, so in a s time t flock of t me.

    quot;I felt sad at t s sucer all; but ted me, saying, `If you only ter man them.

    Brains are t- ter er t try o get some brains. By good luck you came along and pulled me off take, and from  Oz  to ty.”

    quot;I ; said Dorotly, quot;since you seem anx- ious to hem.”

    quot;O; returned t;It is sucable feeling to know one is a fool.”

    quot;ell,quot; said t;let us go.quot; And s to the Scarecrow.

    t all by tilled. too a great forest, oget t over t  dark under trees, for t out t; but travelers did not stop, and  on into t.

    quot;If t must come out,quot; said t;and as ty is at t go w leads us.”

    quot;Anyone ,quot; said Dorothy.

    quot;Certainly; t is ; returned the Scarecrow.

    quot;If it required brains to figure it out, I never s.”

    After an  faded aumbling along in t see at all, but toto could, for some dogs see very ook o get along fairly well.

    quot;If you see any ,quot; s;you must tell me; for it is very uncomfort- able he dark.”

    Soon after topped.

    quot;I see a little cottage at t of us,quot; ;built of logs and branchere?”

    quot;Yes, indeed,quot; ans;I am all tired out.”

    So trees until ttage, and Dorotered and found a bed of dried leaves in one corner. S once, and oto beside o a sound sleep. tired, stood up in anoted patiently until morning came.

    L. Frank Baum

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