Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías

类别:文学名著 作者:加西亚·洛尔迦 本章:Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías

    At five in ternoon.

    It ly five in ternoon.

    A boy brouge s

    at five in ternoon.

    A frail of lime ready prepared

    at five in ternoon.

    t h alone.


    at five in ternoon.

    And ttered crystal and nickel

    at five in ternoon.


    at five in ternoon.

    And a ted horn

    at five in ternoon.

    tring struck up

    at five in ternoon.

    Arsenic bells and smoke

    at five in ternoon.

    Groups of silence in the corners

    at five in ternoon.

    And t!

    At five in ternoon.

    of snow was coming

    at five in ternoon,

    wh iodine

    at five in ternoon.

    Deathe wound

    at five in ternoon.

    At five in ternoon.

    At five oclock in ternoon.

    A coffin on wheels is his bed

    at five in ternoon.

    Bones and flutes resound in his ears

    at five in ternoon.

    Nohrough his forehead

    at five in ternoon.

    t h agony

    at five in ternoon.

    In tance the gangrene now comes

    at five in ternoon.

    hrough green groins

    at five in ternoon.

    the wounds were burning like suns

    at five in ternoon.

    At five in ternoon.

    A fatal five in ternoon!

    It he clocks!

    It ernoon!

    I  see it!

    tell to come,

    for I do not  to see the blood

    of Ignacio on the sand.

    I  see it!

    the moon wide open.

    ill clouds,

    and the grey bull ring of dreams

    he barreras.

    I  see it!

    Let my memory kindle!

    arm the jasmines

    of suce weness!

    I  see it!

    t world

    passed ongue

    over a snout of blood

    spilled on the sand,

    and the bulls of Guisando,

    partly deatly stone,


    sated h.


    I  see it!

    Ignacio goes up tiers

    h on his shoulders.

    for the dawn

    but the dawn was no more.


    and the dream bewilders him

    for iful body

    and encountered his opened blood

    Do not ask me to see it!

    I do not  to  spurt

    eacime rength:

    t spurt t illuminates

    tiers of seats, and spills

    over ther

    of a ty multiude.

    s t I should come near!

    Do not ask me to see it!


    whe horns near,

    but terrible mothers

    lifted their heads.

    And across the ranches,

    an air of secret voices rose,

    sing to celestial bulls,


    there was no prince in Sevilla

    wo him,

    nor sword like his sword

    nor  so true.

    Like a river of lions


    and like a marble toroso


    the air of Andalusian Rome

    gilded his head

    where his smile was a spikenard

    of  and intelligence.

    a great torero in the ring!

    a good peasant in the sierra!

    le he sheaves!

    he spurs!

    ender he dew!


    remendous he final

    banderillas of darkness!

    But now  end.

    Nohe grass

    open h sure fingers

    the flower of his skull.

    And now  singing;

    singing along marshes and meadows,

    sliden on frozen horns,

    faltering soulles in t

    stoumbling over a thousand hoofs

    like a long, dark, sad tongue,

    to form a pool of agony

    close to tarry Guadalquivir.

    Oe wall of Spain!

    Oh, black bull of sorrow!

    Oh, hard blood of Ignacio!

    Oingale of his veins!


    I  see it!

    No cain it,

    no s,

    no frost of lig,

    nor song nor deluge og we lilies,

    no glass can cover mit h silver.


    I  see it!

    Stone is a forehead where dreames grieve

    curving ers and frozen cypresses.

    Stone is a so bear time

    rees formed of tears and ribbons and planets.

    I ohe waves

    raising tender riddle arms,

    to avoid being caugone

    heir blood.

    For stone gathers seed and clouds,

    skeleton larks and wolves of penumbra:

    but yields not sounds nor crystals nor fire,

    only bull rings and bull rings and more bull rings  walls.


    All is finis is emplate his face:

    death pale sulphur

    and aur.

    All is finisrates h.


    and Love, soaked tears of snow,

    self on the herd.

    is tenctles down.

    e are  which fades away,


    and  being filled hless holes.


    Nobody sings he corner,

    nobody pricks terrifies t.

    not the round eyes

    to see  a c.

    to see those men of hard voice.

    t break e rivers;

    ton who sing


    to see tone.

    Before th broken reins.

    I  to kno

    for tain stripped doh.

    I  to s like a river

    s and deep shores,

    to take t looses itself

    ing of the bulls.

    Loses itself in the moon


    loses itself in t  song of fishes

    and in te t of frozen smoke.

    I dont  to cover h handkerchiefs

    t  used to th he carries.

    Go, Ignacio, feel not t bellowing

    Sleep, fly, rest: even the sea dies!

    t knoree,

    nor ts in your own house.

    ternoon do not know you

    because you have dead forever.

    tone does not know you

    nor ttered.

    Your silent memory does not know you

    because you have died forever

    tumn e snails,

    misty grapes and clustered hills,

    but no one o your eyes

    because you have died forever.

    Because you have died for ever,

    like all th,

    like all tten

    in a heap of lifeless dogs.

    Nobady kno I sing of you.

    For posterity I sing of your profile and grace.

    Of turity of your understanding.

    Of your appetite for deataste of its mouth.

    Of t gaiety.

    It ime, if ever, before there is born

    an Andalusian so true, so ricure.

    I sing of  groan,

    and I remember a sad breeze trees.

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