Some Beasts

类别:文学名著 作者:巴勃罗·聂鲁达 本章:Some Beasts

    It wilighe iguana:

    From a rainbotlement,

    a tongue like a javelin

    lunging in verdure;

    an ant reading the jungle,

    monastic, on musical feet;

    the guanaco, oxygen-fine

    in tances,

    cobbling  into gold;

    the llama of scrupulous eye

    the dews

    of a delicate world.

    A monkey is weaving

    a tiable lusts

    on the margins of morning:

    opples a pollen-fall,

    startles t-flght

    of tterfly, he Muzo.

    It  of tor:

    snouts moving out of the slime,

    in original darkness, tions,

    a clatter of armour, opaque

    in the bog,

    turning back to the sources.

    touche leaves

    h his phosphorous absence,


    in the blaze of his hungers,

    his eyeballs, a jungle of alcohol,

    burn in his head.

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