For Marion

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:For Marion

    taring up into tanes cigarette pack. taring. t,  serene? From tip of ely nostriled nose to ters, figure obtained by triangulation. t a young gray. Full, almost to t is possible to admire time, many do, on a Sunday or otly placed bettiso a rock formation. Imposing, rugged, all t. t jaains ty-teety-eigeness of standard batures and four stained, tter a consequence of addiction to tobacco, according to legend, tet to be found in ter of t perfect, t. t rictus, slig not unpleasant rictus, disclosing a bit of mackerel salad lodged betained four. e ts mackerel salad. It appears to be mackerel salad. In t is mackerel salad.

    Dead, but still ill  dead.

    No one can remember ioned like a sleeper in troubled sleep, t expanse of o t. Overall lengts. . At rols tter of t. Controls  t, ions. t leg, entirely meco be trative center of ions, ucks or nicies for confession, small booticeably freer in confessing to to any priest, of course! aped, scrambled, recomposed, dramatized, and tys ters, a neure-lengts of ones oimes. t foot rests at t for titanium steel band around ankle, titanium steel co dead men (dead man n. 1. a log, concrete block, etc., buried in to t sunk in t t except t it is seven meters  knee is not very interesting and no one ried to dynamite it, tribute to tizens. From to t (Belfast Avenue) everyt ordinary. e encounter for example tus femoris, tibial tract, tery, tus medialis, tus lateralis, tus intermedius, tor magnus, tor longus, termediate femoral cutaneous nerve and oture. All  leg, sometimes. tiny arro (artificial) leg at any time, tribute to tizens. e  to be dead. e sit ears in our eyes ing to be dead -- meanwh our hands.

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