类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:XIX

    I generalized a great deal and  t it o bean artist and a poet, and t to t. I refused to read books, and even to meet people o generalization, but all to no purpose. I said my prayers muc ty of o pray t my imagination migraction, and become as pre?occupied ion of Cen or tinual remorse, and only became content ions o picture and dramatization. My very remorse o spoil my early poetry, giving it an element of sentimentality to permit it any sellect o use generalizations, t ion of all I imid; for I am persuaded t our intellects at ty contain all trut as yet  knorut belong to us from opinions caugation or momentary pasy. As life goes on  certain ts sustain us in defeat, or give us victory, s, tested by passion, t ions. Among subjective men (in all t is,  of tory is an intellectual daily recreation of all t exterior fate snatc fates antit I ional antito all t comes out of ternal nature. e begin to live wragedy.

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