The Host Of The Air

类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:The Host Of The Air

    ODRISCOLL drove h a song

    the drake

    From tall and tufted reeds

    Of t Lake.

    And he reeds grew dark

    At t-tide,

    And dreamed of the long dim hair

    Of Bridget his bride.

    he heard while he sang and dreamed

    A piper piping away,

    And never was piping so sad,

    And never was piping so gay.

    And he saw young men and young girls

    ho danced on a level place,

    And Bridget hem,

    ith a sad and a gay face.

    t him

    And many a s thing said,

    And a young man brought him red wine

    And a young girl we bread.

    But Bridget drew he sleeve

    Ahe merry bands,

    to old men playing at cards

    it hands.

    the wine had a doom,

    For t of the air;

    and played in a dream

    Of her long dim hair.

    he merry old men

    And t not of evil chance,

    Until one bore Bridget his bride

    Ahe merry dance.


    t young man there,

    And  and his arms

    ere drowned in her long dim hair.

    ODriscoll scattered the cards

    And out of his dream awoke:

    Old men and young men and young girls

    ere gone like a drifting smoke;

    But he air

    A piper piping away,

    And never was piping so sad,

    And never was piping so gay.

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