类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:14

    hen if fields and region here

    Breath Elixir pure, and Rivers run

    Potable Gold, ouch


    Produces errestrial  [ 610 ]


    Of colour glorious and effect so rare?

    ter neo gaze t

    Undazld, farr and wide his eye commands,

    For sigacle found here, nor shade, [ 615 ]

    But all Sun-s Noon

    Culminate from tor, as they now

    S upill direct, whence no way round

    She Aire,

    No where so cleer, sharpnd his visual ray [ 620 ]

    to objects distant farr, whereby he soon


    the Sun:

    urnd, but not ness hid;

    Of beaming sunnie Raies, a golden tiar [ 625 ]

    Circld his head, nor less his Locks behind

    Illustrious on h wings

    Lay  charge imployd

    in cogitation deep.

    Glad  impure as now in hope [ 630 ]

    to find

    to Paradise t of Man,

    his journies end and our beginning woe.

    But first s to change his proper shape,

    work him danger or delay: [ 635 ]

    And noripling Cherube he appeers,

    Not of t such as in his face

    Youtial, and to every Limb

    Sutable grace diffusd, so well he feignd;

    Under a Coronet his flowing haire [ 640 ]

    In curles on either cheek plaid, wings he wore

    Of many a colourd plume sprinkld h Gold,

    fit for speed succinct, and held

    Before  steps a Silver wand.

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