类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:2

    Go Micial Armies Prince,

    And tary pro [ 45 ]

    Gabriel, lead forto Battel these my Sons

    Invincible, lead forts

    By t;

    Equal in number to t Godless crew

    Rebellious, tile Arms [ 50 ]

    Fearless assault, and to the brow of heavn

    Pursuing drive t from God and bliss,

    Into t, the Gulf

    Of tartarus, which ready opens wide

    o receave thir fall. [ 55 ]

    So spake the Sovran voice, and Clouds began

    to darken all to rowl

    In duskie ant flames, the signe

    Of : nor he loud

    Etrumpet from on high gan blow: [ 60 ]

    At ,

    t stood for y Quadrate joynd

    Of Union irresistible, movd on

    In silence t Legions, to the sound

    Of instrumental  breathd [ 65 ]

    o adventrous deeds

    Under the Cause

    Of God and hey move

    Indissolubly firm; nor obvious hill

    Nor streitning Vale, nor ood, nor Stream divides [ 70 ]

    t ranks; for he ground

    the passive Air upbore

    tread, as al kind

    Of Birds in orderly array on wing

    Came summond over Eden to receive [ 75 ]


    Of hey marchd, and many a Province wide

    tenfold terrene: at last

    Farr in to th appeerd

    From skirt to skirt a fierie Region, stretcht [ 80 ]

    In battailous aspect, and neerer view

    Bristld  beams innumerable

    Of rigid Spears, and s throngd, and Shields

    Various, ful Argument portraid,

    tan ing on [ 85 ]

    ition; for they weend

    t self same day by fight, or by surprize

    to  of God, and on hrone

    to set tate, the proud

    Aspirer, but ts provd fond and vain [ 90 ]

    In trange to us it seemd

    At first, t Angel sh Angel warr,

    And in fierce ing meet, o meet

    So oft in Festivals of joy and love

    Unanimous, as sons of one great Sire [ 95 ]

    ernal Fat t

    Of Battel now began, and rushing sound

    Of onset ended soon eac.

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