类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:5

    So saying, a noble stroke ed high,

    , but so s empest fell [ 190 ]

    On t of Satan, t no sight,

    Nor motion of s t, less could his Shield

    Sucercept: ten paces huge

    enth on bended knee

    aid; as if on Earth [ 195 ]

    inds under ground or ers forcing way

    Sidelong,  a Mountain from


    t greater rage to see

    tiest, ours joy filld, and s, [ 200 ]

    Presage of Victorie and fierce desire

    Of Battel: w Michael bid sound

    trumpet; t of heaven

    It sounded, and thful Armies rung

    o t: nor stood at gaze [ 205 ]

    the adverse Legions, nor less hideous joynd

    torming furie rose,

    And clamour sucill now

    as never, Arms on Armour clashing brayd

    he madding heeles [ 210 ]

    Of brazen Cs ragd; dire he noise

    Of conflict; over he dismal hiss

    Of fiery Darts in flaming volies flew,

    And flying vaulted eit h fire.

    So under fierie Cope together rushd [ 215 ]

    Bottels maine,

    And inextinguishable rage; all heavn

    Resounded, and h

    o er s wonder? when

    Millions of fierce encountring Angels fought [ 220 ]

    On eit of whom could weild

    ts, and arm he force

    Of all thir Regions: how much more of Power

    Armie against Armie numberless to raise

    Dreadful combustion urb, [ 225 ]

    t destroy, tive seat;

    ternal King Omnipotent

    From rong hold of heavn high over-ruld

    And limited t; though numberd such

    As eac have seemd [ 230 ]

    A numerous , in strength each armed hand

    A Legion; led in fig Leader seemd


    o advance, or stand, or turn the sway

    Of Battel, open wo close [ 235 ]

    t of flight,

    None of retreat, no unbecoming deed

    t argud fear; each on himself relid,

    As onely in  lay

    Of victorie; deeds of eternal fame [ 240 ]

    ere don, but infinite: for wide was spred

    t arr and various; somtimes on firm ground

    A standing fighen soaring on main wing

    tormented all then

    Conflicting Fire: long time in eeven scale [ 245 ]

    ttel ill Satan, w day

    Prodigious power  in Armes

    No equal, raunging ttack

    Of fig length

    Saw we, and felld [ 250 ]

    Squadrons at once, wo-handed sway

    Brandis the horrid edge came down

    ide ing; sucruction to and

    ed, and opposd the rockie Orb

    Of tenfold Adamant, his ample Shield [ 255 ]

    A vast circumference: At his approach

    t Arcoile

    Surceasd, and glad as o end

    Intestine ar in he arch foe subdud

    Or Captive dragd in Cile frown [ 260 ]

    And visage all enflamd first thus began.

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