类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:2

    ter arr

    Of o bring

    ter [ 50 ]

    t Day and Nigo end

    Nighe horizon round:

    an s

    Of Gabriel out of Eden, now improvd

    In meditated fraud and malice, bent [ 55 ]

    On mans destruction, maugre  hap

    Of urnd.

    By Nig Midnigurnd.

    From compassing tious of day,

    Since Uriel Regent of the Sun descrid [ 60 ]

    rance, and forehe Cherubim

    t kept tchence full of anguish drivn,

    tinud Nights he rode

    itial Line

    imes crossd t [ 65 ]

    From Pole to Pole, traversing each Colure;

    On turnd, and on t averse

    From entrance or Ccealth

    Found unsuspected here was a place,

    No, t time, first wraughe change, [ 70 ]

    igris at t of Paradise

    Into a Gulf s under ground, till part

    Rose up a Fountain by tree of Life;

    In  rose

    Satan involvd in rising Mist, t [ 75 ]

    o lie  and Land

    From Eden over Pontus, and the Poole

    M?otis, up beyond the River Ob;

    Doartic; and in length

    est from Orontes to the Ocean barrd [ 80 ]

    At Darien, to the Land where flowes

    Ganges and Indus: the Orb he roamd

    ition deep

    Considerd every Creature, which of all

    Most opportune might serve his iles, and found [ 85 ]

    t suttlest Beast of all the Field.

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