类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:8

    If tion, to dwell

    In narro straitnd by a Foe,

    Suttle or violent,  endud

    Single , [ 325 ]

    ill in fear of harm?

    But  sin: onely our Foe

    tempting affronts us eem

    Of our integritie: eeme

    Sticks no dis, but turns [ 330 ]

    Foul on hen wherefore shund or feard

    By us? wher double honour gaine

    From hin,

    Favour from ness from t.

    And ue unassaid [ 335 ]

    Alone,  exterior aind?

    Let us not t our ate

    Left so imperfet by the Maker wise,

    As not secure to single or combind.

    Fraile is our his be so, [ 340 ]

    And Eden hus exposd.

    to wly replid.

    O oman, best are all the will

    Of God ordaind ting hand

    Not or deficient left [ 345 ]

    Of all t ed, much less Man,

    Or aug migate secure,

    Secure from outhin himself

    t lies hin his power:

    Against his will he can receave no harme. [ 350 ]

    But God left free t obeyes

    Reason, is free, and Reason

    But bid ill erect,

    Least by some faire appeering good surprisd

    Sate false, and misinforme the ill [ 355 ]

    to do w God expresly h forbid,

    Not trust, but tender love enjoynes,

    t I s, and mind thou me.

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