类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:13

    onder not, sovran Mistress, if perhaps

    t, w sole onder, much less arm

    th disdain,

    Displeasd t I approachus, and gaze [ 535 ]

    Insatiate, I thus single, nor have feard


    Fairest resemblance of thy Maker faire,


    By gift, and tial Beautie adore [ 540 ]

    it be beheld


    In ts among,

    Beo discerne

    in t, [ 545 ]

    is one?) w be seen

    A Goddess among Gods, adord and servd

    By Angels numberless, train.

    So glozd tempter, and und;

    Into t of Eve his words made way, [ 550 ]

    t t length

    Not unamazd shus in answer spake.

    may t

    By tongue of Brute, and ?

    t at lest of t denid [ 555 ]

    to Beasts, wion-Day

    Created mute to all articulat sound;

    tter I demurre, for in thir looks

    Mucions oft appeers.

    t, suttlest beast of all the field [ 560 ]

    I kne not h human voice endud;

    Redouble this miracle, and say,

    te, and how

    to me so friendly gro

    Of brutal kind, t daily are in sight? [ 565 ]

    Say, for suctention due.

    to er thus replyd.

    Empress of t Eve,

    Easie to mee it is to tell thee all

    t and rig be obeyd: [ 570 ]

    I  first as ots t graze

    trodden  ts and low,

    As was my food, nor aug food discernd

    Or Sex, and apprehing high:

    till on a day roaving the field, I chancd [ 575 ]

    A goodly tree farr distant to behold

    Loaden  of fairest colours mixt,

    Ruddie and Gold: I nearer dreo gaze;

    he boughes a savorie odour blown,

    Grateful to appetite, more pleasd my sense, [ 580 ]

    test Fenel or teats

    Of E dropping  Eevn,

    Unsuckt of Lamb or Kid, t tend thir play.

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