类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:10

    t atcie, confind

    ites till nohou us impowrd

    to fortifie thus farr, and overlay [ 370 ]

    itentous Bridge the dark Abyss.

    tue h won

    t, thy isdom gaind

    it arr , and fully avengd

    Our foile in  Monarch reign, [ 375 ]

    t not; t ill Victor sway,

    As Battel his new orld

    Retiring, by ed,

    And hee divide

    Of all ted by th Empyreal bounds, [ 380 ]

    ure, from thy Orbicular orld,

    Or trie to hrone.

    he Prince of Darkness answerd glad.

    Fair Daugh,

    o be the Race [ 385 ]

    Of Satan (for I glorie in the name,

    Antagonist of ie King)

    Amply ed of me, of all

    t so neer heavns dore

    triumpriump , [ 390 ]

    Mine his glorious ork, and made one Realm


    Of easie therefore while I

    Descend th ease

    to my associate Poo acquaint [ 395 ]

    ithem rejoyce,

    You these numerous Orbs

    All yours, rigo Paradise descend;


    Dominion exercise and in the Aire, [ 400 ]

    Chiefly on Man, sole Lord of all declard,

    make sure your tly kill.

    My Substitutes I send ye, and Create

    Plenipotent on Eartc

    Issuing from mee: on your joynt vigor now [ 405 ]

    My his new Kingdom all depends,

    to Deat.

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