类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:21

    , and from urnd, but Eve

    Not so repulst, ears t ceasd not flowing, [ 910 ]

    And tresses all disorderd, at



    Forsake me not tness heavn

    love sincere, and reverence in my  [ 915 ]

    I beare ting have offended,


    I beg, and clasp t,

    le looks, thy aid,

    ttermost distress, [ 920 ]

    My onely strengtay: forlorn of thee,

    ake me, w?

    we live, scarse one s hour perhaps,

    Bet th joyning,

    As joynd in injuries, one enmitie [ 925 ]

    Against a Foe by doom express assignd us,

    t cruel Serpent: On me exercise not

    tred for this miserie befalln,

    On me alreadie lost, mee thy self

    More miserable; bot thou [ 930 ]

    Against God onely, I against God and thee,

    And to t urn,

    tune  all

    tence from t

    On me, sole cause to this woe, [ 935 ]

    Mee mee onely just object of his ire.


    Immovable till peace obtaind from fault


    Commiseration; soon  relented [ 940 ]


    No  submissive in distress,

    Creature so faire  seeking,

    his counsel whom she had displeasd, his aide;

    As one disarmd, , [ 945 ]

    And th peaceful words upraisd her soon.

    Unoo desirous, as before,

    So no not, w

    t all on thy self; alas,

    Beare t, ill able to sustaine [ 950 ]

    as yet lest part,

    And my displeasure bearst so ill. If Prayers

    Could alter o t place

    ould speed before thee, and be louder heard,

    t on my  be visited, [ 955 ]

    tie and infirmer Sex forgivn,

    to me committed and by me exposd.

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