类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:13


    ion, Seer blest,

    Measurd transient orld, time,

    till time stand fixt: beyond is all abyss, [ 555 ]

    Eternitie, whose end no eye can reach.

    Greatly instructed I s.

    Greatly in peace of t, and have my fill

    Of knoaine;

    Beyond wo aspire. [ 560 ]

    to obey is best,

    And love o walk

    As in o observe

    his providence, and on him sole depend,

    Merciful over all h good [ 565 ]

    Still overcoming evil, and by small

    Accomplis things deemd weak

    Subverting rong, and worldly wise

    By simply meek; t suffering for truths sake

    Is fortitude to  victorie, [ 570 ]

    And to te of Life;

    taughis by his example whom I now


    to w replid:

    t, t attained the summe [ 575 ]

    Of wisdom; arrs

    t by name, and all thereal Powers,

    All secrets of tures works,

    Or works of God in h, or Sea,

    And all t, [ 580 ]

    And all the rule, one Empire; onely add

    Deeds to th,

    Add vertue, Patience, temperance, add Love,

    By name to come calld Cie, the soul

    Of all t: t t be loath [ 585 ]

    to leave t s possess

    A Paradise hee, happier farr.

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