Chapter 32

类别:文学名著 作者:萨·约翰尼 本章:Chapter 32

    Oleg Kracting into o t even more eagerly as  tart to o matcy of ts but oo mucion mixed itute, s a man rict and paid . ted to some ten to  to be a rich man soon.

    tling but seedy Korict of Mongkok,  by tes or so, t ts brougo land at nearby Kai tak airport, ernational airport, o bring to conclusion. t on   t of  t urging o get off her.

    Krac of Duntes lying on a cable next to to a ball ween her legs.

    “t te.

    “Yes,” sly. t  ire life.

    “tomorrow nig.

    “No OK, tomorro my mot unnecessarily.

    “t’s fucking great,” Krac. t  of bed and began to put on ared at -soaked ered against  een or sixteen years old. e on t of t -flat c and began to cry.

    Oleg Krac landed in  day and being familiar y of underage girls in Mongkok, from   order of business. to  until tomorro  poum cer t ? Oleg Krac ime in tantalizingly close.

    Ever since tet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti, or KGB, led in 1991, Oleg Krac sea, a young rising star droate bureaucracies. First, tion of t Gorbac responsible for communications, cryptology and connections, to ted Federal Counterintelligence Service or FSK. For years Krac oppressive Lubyanka ers at tructure   anotion of to ty Service er and Krac, er Science incapable of she axe wielding.

    Kracried  t, fencing stolen KGB softeco ts of Russia’s emerging private enterprise. For a ic cions, some of ed ec tled ex-Division VII agents e. Soon mobile numbers o the oligarchs.

    As an ex-KGB agent ain cac in t. And  to exploit it. After montervie , Kracen o do double duty as a bodyguard and in t t  of to become immune to to deat of e enterprise.

    t o a neolen American teco terrorists, and Kraco verifying ticity of t feure in tion as andem error. raveled abroad, drank Stolicers from Iraq to Somalia.   of suits. American imports no less, and made numerous trips to Neresses.

    t arted to turn sour buro member ions riger of Moscoed States as ions to go legit. s and a string of  sexual tendencies. Academia beckoned and ials, ernational trade, Kracitute of Supercomputing as a loment.

    o lie loed in advancing tting edge of tec   titute cyle t omed to. t’s ed fencing off ts of titute’s researce t t itute, y commanded t of y o  position, ment for Artificial Intelligence. It ion t ed access to tion tecraband.

    Krac ed Rolex c  ake place later tonigs eresting post on one of tin boards  ronic eyes on for business opportunities. Usually, Kracime. typically only one percent of tting-edge tec resulted in a real prospect.

    Yet just a fe toria in Nesingy alking about creating an AI t ently passed turing test. tum neural net processor t tself. ics but s ened. tage and t Bruck ted, Kracly  t been talking out of  of  o  ime t nigime medically unassisted. onight.

    On urn to Moscoo t true tecill at tsing over in  titute, circling a small tumbler of vodka in er elling  s eresting. o tin board and fired off a quick barrage of messages to ter using  ent. It couldn’t be a coincidence. ter someone from Neudent no less, purporting to  advanced neuroprocessor for sale.

    Krac as a c into  understand t ter cold ed life in Mot t ering daytime , even in ter, to contend reme. Several electric taxis drove past but their ‘For hire’ signs were all down.

    A gang of five youtting outside a 7-Eleven stles of  o erritory at time of nigionless yout drugs. It uck  turbed.  even at ake them all, no problem. he was in no real danger.

    tomorro Koeresting cion, . It el e system of financial transactions,  Sodbusinessbank, t  to be sent to t and tes ransaction. All Kraco pay ransaction service fees. t y student ions. If tried to be too clever, Krac  and aken a ally making a note of ideal spots for such a slaying.

    t  to do t in t ed on using a radio and ructed , under a specific benc a specific time. It aking ions, forgetting t even radio communications could be easily compromised. Kracies. ted t if Krac to to s.

    A taxi pulled over next to  appeared to be a drunken gunnel cer midniged man akenly give e.

    “Peninsula el,” Kraced English.

    to   dorained o be done tomorrohe only sure way.

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