Concerning Summer

类别:文学名著 作者:村上春树 本章:Concerning Summer

    Concerning Summer

    by haruki Murakami

    translated by Copher Allison

    I love summer. ernoon summer sun beats doening to rock and roll and drinking beer, I t person in ts really too bad t summer only lasts for 3 mont  it to go for about half a year.

    A little s about t ts incredibly far a 60 Earteen years, and er is fifteen years. t truly  is to say, long life is a good thing.

    But  time, only to see ter twice?

    t errible. On t, ter is particularly long, dark, and severe.

    If I , I  to be born during t sun; tive years and middle age  er; and in the spring Id become an old man.

    t to say t Id  t  to die .

    tune by Frank Sinatra called “ September Dreaming.” til September is a long time, but  ser. Nos fall and trees are turning red. t mucime left”  (even ts a great song). time to die is, of course, summer. I  to live out my days feeling t.

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