Chapter IX.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter IX.

    the Field Mice

    quot;E CANNOt BE FAR from t; re- marked tood beside t;for we he river carried us away.”

    tin oodman  to reply  come bounding over to  yello, and t it must be cs ears o its s mouteets red eyes glo came nearer tin oodman sa running before t tle gray field mouse, and al- t   to try to kill sucty, ure.

    So t ran by  a quick blo cut ts s body, and it rolled over at  in two pieces.

    t it s enemy, stopped s; and coming sloo t said, in a squeaky little voice:

    quot;Ohank you ever so much for saving my life.”

    quot;Dont speak of it, I beg of you,quot; replied t;I , you knoo  o be only a mouse.”

    quot;Only a mouse!quot; cried ttle animal, indignantly. quot;he Field Mice!”

    quot;O; said the oodman, making a bow.

    quot;t deed, as ; added the Queen.

    At t moment several mice  as ttle legs could carry they exclaimed:

    quot;Oy,  you  ildcat?quot; and to ttle Queen t t stood upon their heads.

    quot;tin man,quot; s;killed t and saved my life. So er you must all serve est wish.”

    quot;e ; cried all tions, for toto  and jumped rigo the group.

    toto o c.

    But tin oodman caugigo t;Come back! Come back! toto s  you.”

    At tuck  from un- derneatimid voice, quot;Are you sure  bite us?”

    quot;I  let ; said t;so do not be afraid.”

    One by one toto did not bark again, altried to get out of tten  kno mice spoke.

    quot;Is t; it asked, quot;to repay you for saving the life of our Queen?”

    quot;Not I kno; ans trying to t could not be- cause uffed ra;Ohe poppy bed.”

    quot;A Lion!quot; cried ttle Queen. quot; us all up.”

    quot;O; declared t;this Lion is a coward.”

    quot;Really?quot; asked the Mouse.

    quot;; ans;and  anyone  you all h kind- ness.”

    quot;Very ; said t;rust you. But w shall   we do?”

    quot;Are to obey you?”

    quot;O; she replied.

    quot;to come  eacring.”

    turned to t attended old to go at once and get all ion as fast as possible.

    quot;No; said to tin oodman, quot;you must go to trees by truck t he Lion.”

    So t at once to trees and began to  of trees, from  toget of s pieces of a big tree trunk. So fast and so ime to arrive truck hem.

    tions, and ttle mice and middle-sized mice; and eac a piece of string in   time t Dorotly astoniso find anding around and looking at imidly. But told  ev- eryturning to ttle Mouse, he said:

    quot;Permit me to introduce to you y, the Queen.”

    Dorotsy, after tle girl.

    to fasten to truck, using trings t. One end of a string ied around to truck. Of course truck imes bigger to dra; but  quite easily. Even tin oodman could sit on it, and ly by ttle   o the Lion lay asleep.

    After a great deal of o get ruck. to start, for sayed among too long they also would fall asleep.

    At first ttle creatures, many tir truck; but t along bet- ter. Soon t of to t, fresead of t of the flowers.

    Doroto meet ttle mice warmly for saving he big Lion she was glad he had been rescued.

    truck and scam- pered ao t to leave.

    quot;If ever you need us again,quot; s;come out into to your assis- tance. Good-bye!”

    quot;Good-bye!quot; toto tig er en her.

    After t doil  Dorot from a tree near by, we for her dinner.

    L. Frank Baum

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