Chapter X.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter X.


    It AS SOME tIME BEFORE t wruck o find ill alive.

    quot;I ran as fast as I could,quot; ting do;but too strong for me.  me out?”

    told he Cowardly Lion laughed, and said:

    quot;I  myself very big and terrible; yet suctle to killing me, and sucrange it all is! But, comrades, w shall we do now?”

    quot;e must journey on until ; said Dorot;and to ty.”

    So, te arted upon tly enjoying t, fres  long before turned again toy .

    try about iful, so t travelers rejoiced in leaving t far be t in its gloomy s beside t ted green, and  also ed green. ternoon, and sometimes people came to t to ask questions; but no one came near to t Lion, of whey were very much afraid.

    ts like the Munchkins.

    quot;t be t; said Dorot;and ting near ty.”

    quot;Yes,quot; ans;Everytry of te color. But t seem to be as friendly as to find a place to pass t.”

    quot;I so eat besides fruit,quot; said t;and Im sure toto is nearly starved. Let us stop at t   alk to the people.”

    So, he door and knocked.

    A  just far enougo look out, and said, quot; do you , c great Lion h you?”

    quot;e  h you, if you will allow us,”

    ans;and t  you for the world.”

    quot;Is ame?quot; asked ttle wider.

    quot;O; said t;and  cooo. han you are of him.”

    quot;ell,quot; said ter t over and taking anot t;if t is to sleep.”

    So tered to see so strange a company, and he man asked:

    quot;here are you all going?”

    quot;to ty,quot; said Dorot;to see t Oz.”

    quot;O; exclaimed t;Are you sure t Oz will see you?”

    quot;?quot; she replied.

    quot; is said t s anyone come into o ty many times, and it is a beautiful and  I ted to see t Oz, nor do I know of any living person who has seen him.”

    quot;Does ?quot; asked the Scarecrow.

    quot;Never. s day after day in t t upon  see o face.”

    quot; is ; asked the girl.

    quot;t is o tell,quot; said tfully. quot;You see, Oz is a Great izard, and can take on any form  some say ; and some say . to otiful fairy, or a bro pleases  well.”

    quot;t is very strange,quot; said Dorot;but  try, in some o see hing.”

    quot;o see terrible Oz?quot; asked the man.

    quot;I  o give me some brains,quot; said the Scarecrow eagerly.

    quot;O easily enoug; declared the man.

    quot;han he needs.”

    quot;And I  o give me a ,quot; said tin ood- man.

    quot;t  trouble ; continued t;for Oz ion of s, of all sizes and shapes.”

    quot;And I  o give me courage,quot; said the Cowardly Lion.

    quot;Oz keeps a great pot of courage in ; said   t;o keep it from running over. o give you some.”

    quot;And I  o send me back to Kansas,quot; said Dorothy.

    quot;; asked th surprise.

    quot;I dont kno; replied Dorot;but it is my s somewhere.”

    quot;Very likely. ell, Oz can do anyt first you must get to see   izard does not like to see anyone, and  ?quot; inued, speaking to toto. toto only range to say,  speak.

    to t supper able and Dorote some deli- cious porridge and a dise of nice  did not care for it, saying it s and oats in oodman ate not all. toto ate a little of everyto get a good supper again.

    to sleep in, and toto lay do be disturbed. tin oodman stood up in a corner and kept quiet all nig sleep.

    t morning, as soon as tarted on tiful green glo before them.

    quot;t must be ty,quot; said Dorothy.

    As ter and brig seemed t at last travels. Yet it ernoon before to t  surrounded ty. It was  green color.

    In front of t te, all studded  glittered so in t even ted eyes of their brilliancy.

    te, and Dorotton and inkle sound e sened less emeralds.

    Before tood a little man about to , and even int. At his side was a large green box.

    ; do you wisy?”

    quot;e came o see t Oz,quot; said Dorothy.

    t t  doo t over.

    quot;It o see Oz,”

    y. quot;errible, and if you come on an idle or fooliso botions of t izard,  be angry and destroy you all in an instant.”

    quot;But it is not a foolis; replied t;it is important. And  Oz is a good izard.”

    quot;So ; said t;and y  to t , or errible, and feo see t Oz I must take you to  first you must put on tacles.”

    quot;; asked Dorothy.

    quot;Because if you did not acles tness and glory of ty y must acles nig

    built, and I  hem.”

    it acles of every size and ses found a pair t  fit Dorot tened to t passed around togettle key t  tes ake t of course s y, so shing.

    tted spectacles for tin oodman and ttle toto; and all  he key.

    tes put on old to so taking a big golden key from a peg on te, and tal into treets of ty.

    L. Frank Baum

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