类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:12

    to wh,

    Attend: t t o God; [ 520 ]

    t tinust suco thy self,

    t is, to tand.

    t caution givn thee; be advisd.

    God made t, not immutable;

    And good  to persevere [ 525 ]

    it in thy will

    By nature free, not over-ruld by Fate

    Inextricable, or strict necessity;

    Our voluntarie service he requires,

    Not our necessitated, such him [ 530 ]

    Finds no acceptance, nor can find, for how

    Can s, not free, be trid whey serve

    illing or no,

    By Destinie, and can no other choose?

    Myself and all t t stand [ 535 ]

    In sigate

    hold, as you yours, while our obedience holds;

    On oty none; freely we serve

    Because we freely love, as in our will

    to love or not; in tand or fall: [ 540 ]

    And Som are falln, to disobedience falln,

    And so from o deepest hell; O fall

    From e of bliss into w woe!

    to or. thy words

    Attentive, and ed eare [ 545 ]

    Divine instructer, I hen when

    C from neighbouring hills

    Aereal Music send: nor kne

    to be boted free;

    Yet t o love [ 550 ]

    Our maker, and obey him whose command

    Single, is yet so just, my constant ts

    Assurd me and still assure: t tellst

    in  hin me move,

    But more desire to , [ 555 ]

    tion, range,

    orto be heard;

    And he Sun

    half his journey, and scarce begins

    Zone of heavn. [ 560 ]

    t, and Raphael

    After s pause assenting, thus began.

    ter t me, O prime of men,

    Sad task and e

    to s [ 565 ]

    Of s;  remorse

    the ruin of so many glorious once

    And perfet wood;  unfould

    ts of another orld, perhaps

    Not lao reveal? yet for thy good [ 570 ]

    t, and s the reach

    Of e so,

    By likning spiritual to corporal forms,

    As may express t, t if Earth

    Be but therein [ 575 ]

    Eaco ot?

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