类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:13

    As yet t, and Chaos ilde

    Reignd ws

    Upon er poisd, when on a day

    (For time, ternitie, applid [ 580 ]

    to motion, measures all things durable

    By present, past, and future) on such day

    As  Year brings fort

    Of Angels by Imperial summons calld,

    Innumerable before ties throne [ 585 ]

    Forthe ends of heavn appeerd

    Under t

    ten thousand Ensignes high advancd,

    Standards and Gonfalons t Van and Reare

    Streame in tinction serve [ 590 ]

    Of hierarchies, of Orders, and Degrees;

    Or in ttering tissues bear imblazd

    s of Zeale and Love

    Recorded eminent. thus when in Orbes

    Of circuit inexpressible tood, [ 595 ]

    Orb e,

    By he Son,

    Amidst as from a flaming Mount, wop

    Brighus spake.

    , [ 600 ]

    tions, Princedoms, Vertues, Powers,


    t whom I declare

    My onely Son, and on this holy hill

    ed, whom ye now behold [ 605 ]

    At my rig;

    And by my Self o him shall bow

    All knees in heavn, and shall confess him Lord:

    Under  Vice-gerent Reign abide

    United as one individual Soule [ 610 ]

    For ever happie: him who disobeyes

    Mee disobeyes, breaks union, and t day

    Cast out from God and blessed vision, falls

    Into utter darkness, deep ingulft, his place

    Ordaind  redemption,  end. [ 615 ]

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