类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:2

    Say Goddess, w ensud when Raphael, [ 40 ]

    the affable Arch-Angel, had forewarnd

    Adam by dire example to beware

    Apostasie, by w befell in heaven

    to tates, least the like befall

    In Paradise to Adam or his Race, [ 45 ]

    C to toucerdicted tree,

    If transgress, and slig sole command,

    So easily obeyd amid the choice

    Of all tastes else to please tite,

    ted Eve [ 50 ]

    torie tentive, and was filld

    ition, and deep Muse to heare

    Of trange, to t

    So unimaginable as e in heavn,

    And arr so neer the Peace of God in bliss [ 55 ]

    it the evil soon

    Drivn back redounded as a flood on those

    From o mix

    ith Blessedness. hence Adam soon repeald

    ts t in  arose: and now [ 60 ]

    Led on, yet sinless, o know

    neerer mighis orld

    Of  began,

    ed, for w cause,

    was done [ 65 ]

    Before h

    Yet scarce allayd still eyes t streame,


    Proceeded to ask .

    Great things, and full of wonder in our eares, [ 70 ]

    Farr differing from t reveald

    Divine interpreter, by favour sent

    Doo forewarne

    Us timely of  else have bin our loss,

    Unknown, w reach: [ 75 ]

    For ly Good we owe

    Immortal t

    Receave o observe

    Immutably he end

    Of  since t voutsaft [ 80 ]

    Gently for our instruction to impart

    t, w concernd

    Our knoo  wisdom seemd,

    Deign to descend noe

    may no less perhaps availe us known, [ 85 ]

    began this heavn which we behold

    Distant so h moving Fires adornd

    Innumerable, and this which yeelds or fills

    All space, t Aire, erfusd

    Imbracing round t cause [ 90 ]

    Movd tor in

    ternitie so late to build

    In Che work begun, how soon

    Absolvd, if unforbid t unfould

    to explore ts aske [ 95 ]

    Of ernal Empire, but the more

    to magnifie he more we know.

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