类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:3

    And t Lig s to run

    Muceep, suspens in heavn

    ent voice he heares, [ 100 ]

    And longer o ell

    ion, and th

    Of Nature from t Deep:

    Or if tarr of Eevning and the Moon

    e to t h her will bring [ 105 ]

    Silence, and Sleep listning to tch,

    Or hy Song

    End, and dismiss the Morning shine.

    trious Guest besought:

    And the Godlike Angel answerd milde. [ 110 ]

    t ion askt

    Obtaine: to recount Almightie works

    ongue of Seraph can suffice,

    Or  of man suffice to comprehend?

    Yet  attain, w may serve [ 115 ]

    to glorifie the Maker, and inferr

    t be hheld

    thy hearing, such Commission from above

    I o anshy desire

    Of knoain [ 120 ]

    to ask, nor let tions hope

    t reveald, wh invisible King,

    Onely Omniscient  in Night,

    to none communicable in Earth or heaven:

    Anoug besides to search and know. [ 125 ]

    But Knowledge is as food, and needs no less

    emperance over Appetite, to know

    In measure ain,

    Oppresses else , and soon turns

    isdom to Folly, as Nouris to inde. [ 130 ]

    Kno after Lucifer from heavn

    (So call er once amidst t

    Of Angels, t Starr tarrs among)

    Fell he Deep

    Into  Son returnd [ 135 ]

    Victorious s, tent

    Eternal Fathrone beheld

    titude, and to hus spake.

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